The OpenBSD Cheatsheet.

Managing packages.

Installing packages pkg_add [pkgname(s)]

Uninstalling packages pkg_delete [pkgname(s)]

Do not forget to also wipe the dependencies. pkg_delete -a

Updating all packages pkg_add -u

Searching package(s) by name pkg_info -Q [name]

Getting package info pkg_info [pkgname]

Getting list of installed files of certain package pkg_info -L [pkgname]

Also read: man pkg_add

System Upgrade

Non-free Firmware update fw_update

Updating firmwares with different mirror fw_update -p

Receiving patches syspatch

Receiving new system update. sysupgrade

Managing Users

Adding user (yes. execute without any args) adduser

Deleting user userdel -r user groupdel user

Adding user to group usermod -G groupname user

Changing password passwd

Changing certain user password passwd user

Adding user to login class (Example: staff) usermod -L staff user

Changing username usermod -ml newname oldname

Changing user shell usermod -s /path/to/new/sh user

Also read: man usermod

Managing services

Starting service rcctl start servicename

Checking service rcctl check servicename

Enabling service to start during boot rcctl enable servicename

Disabling service to start during boot rcctl disable servicename

Stopping service rcctl stop servicename

Restarting service rcctl restart servicename

Also read man rcctl

Managing network

Do this first: ifconfig

And read. Say, You want to connect to internet with re0 interface with DHCP.

doas ifconfig re0 autoconf

Making interface up doas ifconfig re0 up

Making interface down doas ifconfig re0 down

Also read: man ifconfig