
  • 2024-04-01 New HTML5 game at includes link to source code.
  • 2024-03-27 Website has been moved to Caddy web server. Page links no longer worked. This has been fixed.
  • 2024-03 Translations can be added at Libre plan is pending approval. One month of free trial is remaining until approval is finalized.
  • 2024-03 Our dedicated server (, previously known as navel) has been moved. VPS users will need to update their billing and networking configuration. Instructions have been provided by email. Znc, web hosting, email remain unaffected.
  • 2024-03 A new guide on cryptography is available (thanks, aaceac).
  • 2024-03 Sinhala (Sri Lanka) translation is now available. Thanks Lohan.
  • 2024-02 Call for translators. Join #lecturify and write 'start tr' for instructions.
  • 2023-12-13 -- At Tue Dec 12 at 23:00UTC we have completed a router upgrade, with downtime 1-2 hours. The website and the vps guests were affected. Services are now back to normal.
  • 2023-10-30 Paul Sutton blogged about us at the personal blog, at
  • 2023-07-04 As we also want to connect to IRC when there are downtime at BuyVM Las Vegas, We made new subserver from donated server which you could connect at: (port 6667 / 6697 for TLS)
  • 2023-07-04 Matrix, email, fediverse services added. Was networking outage earlier today which affected znc and email, we are checking with the vendor.
  • 2022-04-05 23:00 UTC. Everything appears back to normal, the issue appears to have been intermittent.
  • 2022-04-05 09:50 UTC. Bouncer, chat server, and email appear offline. We are checking with the vendor.
  • 2022-03-08 Multi-lingual wiki -- the present site -- is now running in alpha.
  • 2022-01-21 Classes schedule released on the home page
  • 2022-01-18 Bouncer web is also back to normal.
  • 2022-01-17 An unscheduled reboot is now complete.